Snowballs in April?! That's right SNOWBALLS! What better fun is there than a snowball fight, especially when everyone is forced to be inside, or far away from friends during quarantine. So, it's time to make Snowballs! Thankfully, this version of Snowballs aren't cold and can be played with when is super HOT, on a really rainy day, or when it's freezing outside. Even the dogs may want in on the play. Our dogs keep trying to steal our Snowballs from the kids and have made it their personal mission in finding them wherever the kids have hidden them. A small note of WARNING: Snowballs are only good for the ages of those who can find a ball and put it in their mouth (note I didn't say throw it), to the ripe ol' age of 140...really they are absolutely fantastic for ANYONE! These have to be the quickest and easiest project with satisfying results. If you are hand sewing your Snowball, follow below. To machine sew your snowball, follow along ...